Vision, Culture, a Vision *of* Culture

Management Associates Culture, Values, Vision

Vision and the conscious building of culture are central to the individual dimensions of reflective leadership. But both take on additional significance in the context of building and leading a reflective organization. Vision lies at the heart of the unity of purpose needed to sustain long-term collective excellence. A clear articulation of why an organization exists and what contribution it …

Unity, Contest, and Competition

Management Associates Competition, Human systems, Unity, Values

Why do leaders accept the largely avoidable costs of disagreement, turf issues, silos, politics, competition, cliques, hostility, and other forms of organizational disunity?  Below-the-line beliefs about human nature play a role. But equally influential are related beliefs about the role of contest and competition in society. Competition is almost universally seen (in Western societies, at least) as a powerful source …

Organizational Unity: Success (or Failure) at the Widest Level

Management Associates Human systems, Unity, Values

Organizations succeed or fail as whole systems. They can no more thrive on the strength of most-favored aspects than a car can use a functioning drive shaft and carburetor to make up for a dead alternator and flat tires. Systems whose elements are mismatched, sub-optimized, disconnected, or otherwise disunited will, therefore, inevitably fail to reach their maximum potential. This is …

Communication: What Do You Believe?

Management Associates Below the Line, communication, Reflective Leadership, Values

“In no other area have intelligent men and women worked harder or with greater dedication than…on improving communications in our organizations. Yet communications has proved as elusive as the Unicorn.” These words are as true today as they were in 1973 when Peter Drucker first wrote them. Communication is an area in which many organizations struggle and even more fall …

Listening: Mastery of Our Own Self-Centered Tendencies

Management Associates Below the Line, communication, Conversation, Human Side of Leadership, Values

All of us listen. From morning to night we listen to spouses, kids, clients, friends, coworkers, and employees. But the very fact that we do it so much fools us into believing that we do it well. The reality, of course, is that our superficial and often scattered attention is no more listening than communication is simply telling people stuff. …

Dignity and Worth: The Cornerstone of Healthy Human Systems

Management Associates Below the Line, Human Side of Leadership, Values

All below-the-line beliefs and biases held by leaders  influence the functioning of human systems. But few are more important than those concerning human dignity and worth. These qualities address our basic sense of place in the world. They speak to our most fundamental right to exist. And because they are so central to human self-identity and self-conception, they are effectively …

Below-the-Line Inhibitors of Productive Communication

Management Associates Below the Line, communication, Values

Many factors can inhibit the establishment of conditions that tend to characterize superior-functioning organizations .Leaders’ own below-the-line beliefs, values, and assumptions, however, can be particularly problematic. Consider, for example, the following: Unexamined assumptions that one is already communicating sufficiently with employees A failure to establish formal mechanisms to assess the quality of organizational communication systems Need-to-know  approaches to communication and …

Building Blocks of Reflective Leadership – Humility

Management Associates Below the Line, Qualities of reflective leadership, Values

Few spheres of human activity are more driven by “results” than the world of business. Visible success is the coin of the realm, and confidence, bravado, even self-aggrandizement are pervasive. Humility, then, stands as a somewhat counter-intuitive characteristic of truly outstanding leaders. Humility is certainly one of the more nuanced facets of leadership. In part, this has to do with the hierarchical …

Community, Communion, and the Human Side of Communication

Management Associates communication, Human Side of Leadership, Values

Any time two or more people work in tandem, they create a human system.  And that system will be only as effective as the patterns of communication that support it. For communication is the means by which diverse talents can be directed toward a shared goal, the way a collection of individual I’s can be transformed into a cohesive and …